Getting your New Westminster Vanity Area Code 604 Phone Number 604-245-3500 from Number Shack us is like buying an unlocked cell phone. You own it and can take it to any phone provider.
We do not sell phone services, apps, extra add-ons, which means there is no monthly fees, no contracts, no hidden charges and no porting fees. Every number comes with our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, so your phone number purchase from us is 100% RISK FREE!
We are a Canadian Owned and Operated โ๐๐บ๐ฎ๐น๐น ๐ฏ๐๐๐ถ๐ป๐ฒ๐๐โ. This means you can call a real person and actually talk to the owner and the people that are ฯรเดาฝเดเดาฝิ with phone numbers! We know what we are doing, we are not an overseas call centre, where you are an afterthought.
Call 416-800-4416, or toll-free 1-877-800-4416. We respond after-hours to our text messages, start at - Try that at any other telecom company!